Hello there!
Welcome to our feminist blog! Before you run screaming in the other direction because I used the F word, let's establish what that commonly miscontrued word actually means. Feminism is defined as being the movement for social, political and economic equality between men and women. See that's not so scary is it? By this definition, we've technically always been feminists. Only recently have we realized just how far from equality women truly are.
The origins of this blog began with late night text messages/essays between two friends ranting about Feminist Issues. These messages quickly turned into conversations too long for text. And too witty and too important to not have an audience (not to toot our own horns.)
Clearly, we needed a blog.
"We" are Devonne and Claire; two young, cosmopolitan (by Alberta standards) feminists. We are relatively new to the feminist movement; Devonne was introduced through her Women's Studies classes at univeristy, Claire got into feminism while working at a shelter for battered women (and hearing about all the fun Devonne was having in her classes.) Though we have similar visions and goals for the future, some of our views and perspectives can be quite different.
This blog is basically things that make us mad, or things that we think are worth sharing.
Though our audience will probably be small (meaning our moms and our bff Rayna) the issue of modern feminism is not.
As Tavi Gevinson put it, "feminism [is] not a rulebook, but a discussion." Our purpose here is not to act as the authority on anything, but to inspire civil discourse and encourage everyone (not just women) to think critically about the world around them.
In case you haven't guessed, we love discussion so feel free to comment or contact us with any questions you have! Aside from getting angry about feminist issues, we're really nice girls, we promise.
Claire and Devonne
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